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Thursday, August 12, 2004

The Last Ride

I'm not sure how to say this...I'm not sure I can say this. My heart is aching right now. My friend, Mark O'Brien, better known to all of you as Brando, was killed yesterday in an accident on the way home from his wilderness adventure.

I had just talked to him an hour or so before the accident. He sounded happier than I had ever heard him. I would like to express my condolences to his family and loved ones. He was one of the most amazing people I have ever had the pleasure of calling my friend. I will write more later, but for now, I can't see the screen for my tears and the words just won't come through my shaking fingers.

One of his cousins sent me this link:

The Cast


Marlon Brando * Joan Crawford


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In Our Hearts

Find Burke's Killer!

"The Courage to Act...By Rod Napier "Dedicated to Burke O'Brien, A Hero Forever" ... please visit

Mark O'Brien- Loving Father, Compassionate Friend, and Ceaseless Seeker of Justice

"I hope to not just laugh, but to laugh uncontrollably. I hope to not just cry, but to wail deeply. I hope to not just find the elusive "alone together" place within, but to hold, and be held in it. I hope my refection on the lake dissipates and I can see into the waters."
~~Mark O'Brien


August 2004
April 2005

The Best of Brando
The Chauffeur
Swearengen Sense
Accidents or Messages
The Recalcitrant Buffalo
Nature Speaks, I Listen
The Rapture of the Ride
Smiling Through Tears*
(*by Joan, about Brando's death)

Favorite Links

Mama Let 'Em Be Cowboys


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